
Botox Treatment – Botulinum Toxin

Botox treatment – ​​Botulinum Toxin is the most popular anti-aging treatment both in the world and in our region. It is a natural purified protein which helps slow down signs of ageing. Areas of its application are ophthalmology, neurology, paediatrics, while in the last for several years it has been mostly used in aesthetic procedures. Its application for aesthetics purposes should not concern you, because it's by far more applied as a medicine than as an aesthetic component.

Botox treatment is safe and is one of the most effective aesthetic treatments for wrinkles with instant effect. The treatment should be performed only by a licensed medical practitioner. It is painless and its application takes only a few minutes. When used properly, it can give your forehead attractive and open appearance.

Apart from creating unpleasant feeling, sweating is sometimes very inappropriate, because of aesthetic reasons. Usual sweating is not a problem, excessive sweating is, regardless of the season or temperature.

Botox treatment is effective for most patients in case of hyperhidrosis, i.e. excessive sweating. This product temporarily blocks conductivity of chemical signals of nerves which impact the stimulation of sweat glands.

It is very important to emphasize that this treatment does not treat the problem of hyperhidrosis but rather eliminates excessive sweating, up to 6 months in average.
After several months, a person can expect gradual return of symptoms and if so desires, may repeat the treatment.

Experience to date has shown that clients оf Aesthetic Medical Center Barović who use botox therapy for sweating two times a year in average do not have any side effects.

In the health sense, there are no harmful consequences – experience even shows that this treatment comes as a salvation for people who sweat excessively and after six to nine months, they repeat the procedure, which guarantees functioning without unnecessary signs of anxiety and unease.


Wrinkles around eyes are one of the major aesthetic problems every adult faces. Its appearance is particularly disagreeable for women, as these wrinkles affect make-up process, damage natural appearance of the eye, lead to droopy eyelids and become dominant on the face.

Eye muscles are circular and composed of many parts. As the muscle moves, connective tissue between its parts becomes weaker and that is where wrinkles appear. Skin in the eye area is several times thinner than in other areas and that is one of additional factors for faster appearance of wrinkles around the eyes.

HYDROBOTOX treatment is designed primarily for the eye area and it will make the skin be hydrated, elastic and rejuvenated without any accompanying unwanted reactions.

Botox tretman lica siguran je i jedan od najdjelotvornijih estetskih tretmana za uklanjanje bora sa instant efektom. Tretman treba da izvodi samo licencirani doktor medicine. Bezbolan je, a njegova aplikacija traje svega nekoliko minuta. Kada se koristi ispravno, može licu dati privlačan i otvoren pogled.

Botox pre i posle - Zakažite termin kod dr Barović

Fotografije naših klijenata nakon botoks tretmana. Pogledajte na primerima kako izgleda botox pre i posle i zakažite besplatne konsultacije i odaberite odgovarajući botox tretman u našem estetskom centru i uverićete se u ogromne koristi po izgled vaše kože ali i druge navedene probleme.
Pozovite nas, zakažite termin kod doktorke Barović i podmladite svoje lice.

Efekat botox-a traje nekoliko mjeseci i za svakog pacijenta je individualno, u zavisnosti od životnih navika pacijenta. Optimalno od dva, a kod nekih pacijenata i do osam mjeseci. Ako pacijent redovito ponavlja tretmane, mišići se vremenom opuštaju, opuštaju mimiku  i na ta način produžava i poboljšava estetski efekat tretmana.

Prije aplikacije botoxa kod svakog pacijenta ispitamo rad pojedinih mišića koji pokreću mimiku lica. Nakon precizne identifikacije mišića koji snažnim djelovanjem stvaraju neželjene bore, tankom se iglom aplicira botox. Mišići se s vremenom opuštaju budući da botox blokira put živčanim impulsima prema mišiću. Koža koja prekriva te mišiće zateže se i izglađuje jer je preostali aktivni mišić napet i na taj se način eliminišu bore.

Kao doktor, uvjek naglašavam pacijentima da iz našeg centra mogu izaći sa osvježenim i prirodnim izgledom lica. Vrlo smo zadovoljni povratnim informacijama naših pacijenata koji su oduševljeni novim i mlađim izgledom. Većina pacijenata priznaje da njihova okolina ne pripisuje nov izgled nekom tretmanu, nego im govore da izgledaju svježe, zdravo, odmorno. Ponosni smo na vrlo umjeren i personalizovan pristup, pružajući tako našim pacijentima željeni prirodan i mlađi izgled u savršeno primjerenim okvirima estetike.

Ponavljanje je majka znanja, pa volimo naglasiti da botox tretman mogu izvoditi doktori. Neželjeni efekti su rijetkost u tretmanima botoxom kada je aplikovan od strane ljekara. Čak ako do njih i dođe, važno je znati da apsolutno ne postoje dugoročni efekti nuspojava. Približno jedan sat nakon aplikacije botoxa, na mjestima injektiranja pacijent može imati jedva primjetna sitna crvena ispupčenja koja će nestati u roku od jednog sata. Glavobolja, zatezanje, modrice i osjećaj težine vrlo su rijetke nuspojave, a u slučaju da do njih dođe nestaju za nekoliko dana.

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